The content of this blog is not the figment of imagination but the recollection in word or prose of events as they occur to three powerful minds.

Names have been changed to protect the innocent and spare the guilty of vilification.


El contenido de este blog no es el producto de la imaginacion, pero el recuerdo de palabra o de la prosa de los acontecimientos a medida que se producen a tres mentes poderosas.

Nombres han sido cambiados para proteger a los inocentes y los culpables de repuesto en caso de difamacion.


Friday, August 28, 2009

O on: Paying Tax

As a resident of the city of blogville I know that all the city demands from us is to pay our taxes in form of updates well mine have been well overdue now.

I’ll start by making apologies on behalf of the Cerberus for being absent for so long. We never thought that all 3 of us would ever leave the den at the same time but it happened and due to disconnected internet, faulty blackberries and one of us becoming an otondo, we’ve missed updating, commenting on our favorite blogs and generally being responsible citizens of blogville (now is it blogville or blogsville???)

Anyways the prodigal trio are back home with a slew of updates e’ve been holding for y’all neighbors.

Catch you around



  1. welcome back. Start paying up( your tax)

  2. Back to read what y'all been up to(sheesh i kinda just figured out-that there are 3 of you guys...my bad)!!

  3. Wait...there are 3 of you??

    *looks around confused*

    As in rlly 3 of you?
    Or 3 of you in your head???
    No really..

  4. Rene... Darling thank you. How've you been

    BSNC... Starting to pay up

    Blogoratti... A lotta folks make that mistake

    Gee... Gracias

    Splash... i missed you too

    Fabulo-la... A dude called M another called O and one called MY....answering the second part takes away all the fun jejjeje


utilizar tu mentes poderosa. Speak from your powerful mind.)